A8 roadworks -

diversions to airport traffic during overnight road closures

Taxi booking terms and conditions

Taxi Booking

How can I book taxis?

Our taxi booking service can be accessed through our website

How much does it cost?

We do not charge you for using the taxi booking service. The payment you make through our service will be received directly by our partner taxi company.

How does it work?

Our service is to help you book a taxi. We do not provide taxi services themselves. Taxi services will be provided to you by our partner taxi companies. When you use our service, we will collect information about you (for example, your name, your telephone number and where you want to travel to) and provide this to one of our partner taxi companies. They will then contact you to confirm the booking.

Can I cancel or amend my booking?

The taxi company will provide you with a contact telephone number via text message or email when your booking is originally confirmed. If you want to cancel or amend a booking you have placed using our service, you will need to contact the taxi company using that number.

What rules apply to the use of the taxi?

Our partner taxi companies' terms and conditions will apply to your use of the taxi and the rights and obligations that they have in relation to the taxi services. These terms and conditions can be found at here. The taxi company may refuse to let you in the taxi if they think that you are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs or if they think that you might pose a danger to the driver, other passenger or the vehicle.

Your personal data

In order to be able to provide the taxi booking service, we will need to provide your personal data to one of our partner taxi companies. Our privacy notice relating to the use of the system can be found here.

What if I have a problem or a complaint?

If the booking service is not working, please contact 0131 555 5555 or [email protected] and we will do our best to resolve the issue. If you have a problem or issue with the taxi service, please discuss it with the taxi company and they will work to resolve the matter. If you would like to make a complaint or provide feedback, please use the Edinburgh Airport feedback form and we will do our best to resolve any issues. This may involve discussing your complaint or feedback with the taxi company. Any contractual dispute relating to our services may also be dealt with using the online alternative dispute resolution procedure through the EU's ODR platform

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