Twilight bag drop -

four airlines offering service for early morning flights

Airport security

Airport security

Every customer passing through the airport is required to go through our security processes. We have designed this part of our airport with our customers in mind – to ensure that you find the area as stress free, that we meet the regulatory requirements and that you spend as little time as possible on this part of your journey.

Airport security

Prepare for security

While you may see changes in our security hall in the coming months it's important to prepare as normal, and follow the 100ml liquid rules.

Work to install new scanners is continuing throughout 2024 but until this project is complete the advice remains the same.

When travelling through security you should:

  • Make sure all liquids are under 100ml and put in a clear bag.

  • Take large electricals out your hand luggage and out them in a tray, with nothing covering them.

  • Remove jackets and belts and put them in the tray.

  • Empty your pockets.

The packing of your tray at security is your own responsibility, and you should follow the signage in place at the lane - or the advice of security officers - when doing this.

fastTRACK security

Skip the queue at security with a dedicated lane thanks to fastTRACK Security.

fastTRACK security is open daily and everyone regardless of age, must be in possession of a ticket or booking confirmation.

Please note, the time you book for is the time you are expecting to go through security, not your flight time. If you are booking fastTRACK with car parking the time will correspond with the time you arrive in the car park.

Book fastTRACK security