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four airlines to operate service throughout winter months

Airport installs noise monitor at Cramond Primary to measure sound of passing planes

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We visited Cramond Primary this week to introduce teachers and pupils to a new noise monitor installed in their playground to measure the sound of passing planes.

Cramond Primary School noise monitor. June McClung and teacher Leslie Davies.

Image: The airport's Environmental Noise Manager June McClung and Cramond Primary teacher Leslie Davies.

Measuring aircraft noise at Cramond Primary.

For many of us a childhood fascination with airplanes is something we can relate to. We were all there at one point - charging around the playground, arms up, pretending to be a jet (right...?)

At Edinburgh Airport we want to encourage that enthusiasm and interest in the world of aviation, while inspiring the next generation to take up STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) careers if it's something they enjoy.

And with that in mind we went out to Cramond Primary this week to introduce teachers and pupils to the new monitor we've installed in their playground, showing them how it picks up the sound of passing planes and how they can even use the data in their maths lessons.

Why recording and monitoring noise is important.

Measuring and mitigating noise is something we as an airport take seriously. As set out in our Greater Good sustainability strategy it's important we are a considerate neighbour and support the communities closest us. This means we regularly spend time discussing the issue of noise with those affected by it.

Key to this is being able to measure and track noise, and being open with the data we have. This is where our noise lab comes in.

Specialist monitors are already in place at Cramond, Broxburn, and Livingston to measure and record the noise of overhead aircraft before the data is displayed to the public on the online resource.

In recent weeks this new monitor was installed in the playground at Cramond Primary, allowing even better, more accurate data, for both the airport and residents on the volume of aircraft passing over the area.

Our visit to Cramond Primary

The airport's noise manager June McClung paid the school a visit to talk to teachers and pupils about what it does, how it can be used (including in lessons), and why it's an important tool - along with how to access the data on our noise lab.

June McClung with Cramond Primary noise monitor.

Image: June McClung, the airport's Environmental Noise Manager, showed teachers and pupils how the noise monitor works.

The afternoon started with June providing an interactive noise lab session, explaining how the resource can display aircraft noise in almost real time on a 'flight tracker' function which is linked to the radar in our control tower.

This involved exploring the lab, watching as the noise monitors recorded the volume of passing planes, and answering questions from the school's young aviation enthusiasts.

Afterwards the class ventured outside to look at the monitor, and treat it to an almighty playground cheer (just to check it's working, of course).

June then joined the school's sustainability lead, Leslie Davies, back inside to take a deeper dive into the noise lab, and demonstrate the ways it provides an insight into the impact of aircraft noise.

Data from the new Cramond Primary School monitor can now be accessed on the Edinburgh Airport Noise Lab here.

Flying with the family

For some families, particularly those with young children, arriving at the airport for a flight can be quite daunting.

However it shouldn't be a stressful experience, and we're always on hand to help with whatever you need.

(Don't forget - we've got a dedicated family lane at security.)

Advice for families

Browse the shops

If you're looking to pick up a pre-flight bargain or a holiday essential once you arrive at the airport then you're in luck.

We have an extensive selection of retail options on offer to passengers, selling everything from designer clothes and electronics to sunglasses and suitcases.

Airport shops

Find out what we've got on offer before and after security here.

2 mins
security hall time